"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
On the Mysteries of King Solomon and Koheles

On the Mysteries of King Solomon and Koheles

Since I published the book, people have been asking for audio. “When will you turn your classes into a podcast?” “I don’t read, but I do listen.” “Your essays should publish in audio form for my commute.”

Ladies and gentlemen, your prayers are answered.

I am opening here on Substack a space for audio recordings on my usual topics: Judaism, the world, &c. Some of these recordings will be audio version of essays I have already written and that appear in my book. Others will be entirely new material, scripted and unscripted.

As time goes on, I have many ideas for new types of recurring content I would like to try. All of them will be accessible, as many of you have requested, through podcast apps such as iTunes, Stitcher, &c.

If you enjoy what you hear here, please sign up for future releases and share this with others.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know — I would like to build this into something you really enjoy and benefit from.

Our inaugural episode here is a recording of an essay I wrote a few years back called “On the Mysteries of King Solomon and Koheles”. It’s appropriate for the holiday of Sukkos that starts tonight. The text can be found on my website and, in slightly improved form, in my book.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful, joyous festival of booths,


"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
Tzvi Kilov aims at an uncompromising synthesis of this wacky world and our mad times with the infinite, ancient, and still-radical Torah.