"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
#RepentanceWithTzvi - 1 - The King is in the Field

#RepentanceWithTzvi - 1 - The King is in the Field

Dear Listener,

It’s been forever. But I had an idea!

Idea: "Repentance with Tzvi", one minute per day Elul vlog (until September 18) on the joys and subtleties of returning to G-d on the Jewish fashion

So here it is. Listen in audio form like the regular podcast, or check out the video below. Feel free to share, subscribe, and, most importantly, enjoy.

Wishing you a good month,


"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
Tzvi Kilov aims at an uncompromising synthesis of this wacky world and our mad times with the infinite, ancient, and still-radical Torah.