"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
The Connection

The Connection

Dear Listeners,

It’s been a while! First, I was on vacation. And then, I wasn’t. But that’s neither here nor there. Just like the purpose of our universe’s creation.

We’re not here to pick a side, nor to pretend that the sides are not separate, but rather to unite them. This is one of the central themes of the central Chassidic holiday, Yud Tes Kislev, that we celebrate this week. The infinite and the finite, faith and intellect, are to be brought together. This is the reason G-d said “Let there be light,” the reason we are here on earth.

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"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
Tzvi Kilov aims at an uncompromising synthesis of this wacky world and our mad times with the infinite, ancient, and still-radical Torah.