"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
What is a Soul?

What is a Soul?

Dear Listeners,

It’s hard to zero in on what the soul is, despite being a soul. So much of our lives are spent pulling away from ourselves, investing our energies in things patently external to us, and, usually, in the aspects of those things external to them.

Before we get into deep forms of worship in which we negate our own being, perhaps we can start simply, as Abraham did, thinking about the being underlying all being. This will set up a solid center position, from which we can tic-tac-toe across and down to the end of Abraham’s story as a perfect suprarational vessel for G-dliness.



"Not A Jungle"
"Not A Jungle"
Tzvi Kilov aims at an uncompromising synthesis of this wacky world and our mad times with the infinite, ancient, and still-radical Torah.